When I started blogging I wasn't sure what I would discover or what would happen. I have been lucky to "meet" some fantastic, amazing, and great people.
One of those people is Shortly from Shortly Stitches. I am amazed at how she can finish so many knitted projects with two wee beautiful girls. I'm in awe. I was teasing her the other day in a comment, on her blog, that I was going to create a button/widget for her. It was going to be the Speedy Knitter button. At the time I was joking. Then I read her blog today and discovered she had posted a picture of a beautiful hat she had finished, Rose Red by the very talented Ysolda Teague. Isn't that a lovely hat. I love the name as well. It prompted me to actually come up with a button/widget. So here it is, for you Miss Shortly. I bow to your speediness.
Just grab the button form the sidebar. If anyone else knows a Speedy Knitter please feel free to pass this to them. Please just remember to give credit to the ol' Tink-n-Frog for it's creation. Cheers!
The Weekend Dish: 1/4/2025
4 days ago