Monday, April 27, 2009

No really I have been...

I have been knitting. Honestly. I know I haven't mentioned it lately. I seem to be getting quite a few knitting irons in the proverbial fire.

I have my Tattoo shrug that I am trying to finish. I think I have enough knit for the back, I just have to measure. I didn't put any design on the back as the pattern calls for. Not to be a rebel or anything, just because I couldn't figure out what to put on the back. I had thought about knitting a kanji symbol on the back. Something like fortune or luck or beauty or dream or....well you can see the problem with that idea.

After I get The Tattoo shrug done I already have another sweater I want to start. It's called Astrid. I have the yarn already. It's an Elann mercerized cotton in a pale or light blue. I'm hoping it will be a fairly fast knit. Since I want to be able to wear it when the weather gets warmer. Or should I say IF the weather gets warmer.

Then I have been working on another Tulip doll. Ok, Ok I can already hear some of you already..."Not another one!?"....Yup 'fraid so. My DFaN asked me to make one for her youngest daughter. And just to warn you I have about 4 or 5 other ideas for this pattern that are banging around in the ol' noodle. I won't bore anyone with what those ideas are now. I mean there has to be something for you to look forward to. I saw that. No eye rolling over there...=)

Here are a few pictures of the poor dear at the early stage of her development. She is no longer looking like this, thank heavens. I just haven't gotten recent pix of her. She simply needs to get to the beauty salon to get her hair done, now. Her name, for now, is Lila DeWinter. I say for now because Princess Persnickety, my DFaN youngest's nickname (one of the many that she has) will probably rename her.

Another neighbor has asked me to knit this pattern from Well it isn't that she saw the pattern on Knitty. She saw the one I had made DH. She wants the hat in black wool for her sister. I had to buy some black wool so I have to wait for it to arrive. I purchased it from a fellow knitter off of Ravelry.

Well I guess that's about it for the knitting front. It's awfully late. I must get some rest to be able to handle the galloping hoards of the Wee Ones in the morning. Yes I realize the "Wee Ones" consist of two little boys. But if you only knew what those two could accomplish, it would make your head spin.