Well she is clothed now. All ready for a sparkling New Year.
It's hard to tell in the photo that her dress is not a solid green it actually is chartreuse, hunter green and orange. It comes out very woodsy looking. Her shoes, in kind, are actually very deep, dark purple with slight red highlights. The yarn started out as a medium gray. It was interesting to dye over a yarn that did not start out as white/natural. I wanted a muted color, hence the use of the gray yarn.
I am working on a friend for her. I have all the body parts knitted. I just need to stuff and assembly them. The second doll has come out smaller. I wanted a tighter knit and so subsequently knit it on smaller needles. I also chose a tan yarn. I like the result far better. I still need to get some other color felt for her hair and I think that I might make her a sewn outfit for her to wear.
I also am still working on my sweater. I must admit I'm a little disillusioned with it as this point. I'm a little stumped on how to lengthen the sleeves. So right now it's resting. Not full on hibernating...just resting (ahem).
The dolls are easy and quicker to make right now. At the end of the day, after dealing with the wee ones, I really don't have much stamina for trying to figure out any sweaters.
Today some wonderful goodies came in the mail. One was a book I purchased from a person on Ravelry. The History of Fair Isle Knitting. I've been wanting this book for some time. This person was destashing for $10 including shipping. Such a bargain. My dear aunt also sent some books. One was The History of Handknitting by Richard Rutt. This book is currently out of print. I checked on Ravelry to see if anyone has expressed interest in this book. Several people have. It is selling on Amazon for $75, as used (obviously). SO now as silly as it sounds....do i try and see if anyone would want to purchase this from me on Ravelry for about $55 and apply that total to the Yarn Buying Fund ( form here on refered to as ybf) or keep the book and reap the benefits of it interesting information. Hmmmm....I'm not sure yet. If I do sell it I figure I should sell it before it is reprinted, which Ravelry chatter has mentioned. I'll think about it this weekend and try to look through it to see if it's sometihng that I would use or pass on to someone else that might be able to appreciate it more.
Not that anyone else has read this blog... but for the powers that be... I do hope that this is a good year for everyone.